The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.5.6, the "Joe Strummer" release. This release updates the bundled TinyMCE editor component to version 3.2.7, the bundled SyntaxHighlighter library to version 2.1.364, the bundled SyntaxHighlighter plugin for TinyMCE, the Brazilian Portuguese translation, and the Spanish translation. It also fixes minor issues.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the first release candidate of our next major version, phpMyFAQ 2.6.0-RC, the "John Lennon" release. This release fixes a lot of issues. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.5.5, the "World AIDS Day" release. This release fixes multiple IE6/7 only XSS vulnerabilities. All users of affected phpMyFAQ versions are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible to this latest version! A detailed security advisory is available.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the second preview release of our next major version, phpMyFAQ 2.6.0-beta, the "Sandmännchen" release. This release updates the Greek translation, fixes the upgrade and migration process, and fixes a lot of minor issues. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.5.4, the "Sesame Street" release. This release fixes various PostgreSQL related issues, updates the Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese translations, and fixes many minor bugfixes.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the first preview release of our next major version, phpMyFAQ 2.6.0-alpha, the "Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky" release. In this release, we moved all language files to UTF-8, added TCPDF as a replacement for the FPDF library, added support for TinyMCE translations, added support for multi-language news, added user adjustable template sets and styles, added support plurals in translations, added a share on Facebook link, added a rest/json API for future iPhone or Android apps, added secure login if SSL is available, and added FAQ entry dependent meta description. We improved the attachment functionality, the install script, the category view with description, the FAQ entry activation, the user administration frontend, and the FAQ entry workflow. We removed the Docbook XML export and updated bundled TinyMCE editor component to version 3.2.7. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.5.3, the "Jonathan Swift" release. With this release, we switched our version control system from SVN to git and we added the missing Perl syntax highlighting. We fixed the missing info link in news, the broken group permission check for instant response, the broken attachment download, and we fixed some SQLite problems. We also updated the Japanese translation.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.5.2, the "Engelbert Humperdinck" release. This release fixes an IE6/7 only XSS vulnerability. All users of affected phpMyFAQ versions are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible to this latest version! A detailed security advisory is available. We also updated the Polish and Chinese language files and fixed a problem with Czech translation. The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.0.17, the "Cable Car San Francisco" release. This release fixes an IE6/7 only XSS vulnerability. All users of affected phpMyFAQ versions are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible to this latest version! A detailed security advisory is available.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.5.1, the "Otto Lilienthal" release. We added support for LDAP-datamapping, e.g. against an Active Directory Server, support for multi-domain-authentication, e.g. against an ADS-Global Catalog, support for PHP LDAP options, and a Lithuanian translation. We fixed LDAP and some Oracle issues and improved our svn2package script. Besides that, many minor bugfixes were made. We would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.0.16, the "Isaac Hayes" release. We updated the French translation and fixed a lot of minor bugs. This is the final release for the 2.0.x series. Only critical security issues will be fixed.
The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0, the "Apollo 11" release. After more than two years of refactoring to a PHP 5 code base and improving, this milestone release adds new features like a new and improved new layout for the frontend and backend, a new and better Image Manager, RSS feeds for categories, the ability to copy and duplicate FAQ entries, support for blocks in the template engine, a public user registration, LDAP and HTTP authentication, a new Mail subsystem, the possibility to enable or disable the WYSIWYG Editor, a most popular searches list, an admin frontend for search logs statistics, sticky FAQ records, smart answering for user questions, a string wrapper for better UTF-8 handling, a translation frontend, a configurable attachment directory, an approval permission for FAQs, and a Hindi translation. We improved our user administration frontend and our language files. phpMyFAQ now features an ajaxified comment and record administration, we now use jQuery 1.3 as a replacement for Prototype/Script.aculo.us. We also updated the bundled Net_IDNA to version 0.6.3, TinyMCE editor component to version 3.2.5, FPDF library to version 1.6, and the Turkish translation. Have fun with phpMyFAQ 2.5!
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the third release candidate of our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0-RC3, the "Michael Jackson" release. We added a configurable attachment directory, an approval permission for FAQs, and a Hindi translation. We also improved some language files and fixed a lot of bugs. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0-RC2, the "Seattle" release. This release updates the Turkish translation, includes some minor fixes and improvements in the install script, and has many minor bugfixes. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the first release candidate of our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0-RC, the "Anne Frank" release. With this release, we removed the last Prototype-based JavaScript code, added visual Ajax indicators in the administration backend, a new Image and File Manager in the administration backend. We added a translation frontend for editing and sharing phpMyFAQ's translation files. We also improved some language files and fixed a lot of bugs. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.0.15, the "Benno Ohnesorg" release. This release fixes a XSS vulnerability. All users of affected phpMyFAQ versions are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible to this latest version! A detailed security advisory is available.
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.0.14, the "Andrei Sakharov" release. This release updates the Vietnamese translation, improves the tagging implementation, and fixes an authentication bypass. The content type for the RSS feeds is now correct. It also fixes minor issues.
The phpMyFAQ team is pleased to announce the beta version of our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0-beta, the "Audrey Hepburn" release. We added a new administration layout, a frontend for search logs statistics, sticky FAQ records, smart answering for user questions, a string wrapper for better UTF-8 handling, and an ajaxified comment and record administration. We updated the bundled jQuery to version 1.3.2, the bundled TinyMCE editor component to version, and the bundled Net_IDNA to version 0.6.3. We removed Prototype and Script.aculo.us, and we fixed a lot of bugs. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.0.13, the "David Soria Parra" release. This release adds new blocked words for spam protection, fixes a fatal error with PHP 5.3, a redirect problem with multiviews in .htaccess, and a problem with visible questions in the RSS feed. It also fixes some minor issues.
The phpMyFAQ team is pleased to announce the second preview of our next generation release, phpMyFAQ 2.5.0-alpha2, the "Yuri Gagarin" release. We migrated a lot of code to PHP 5.2 and dropped the support for MySQL 4.0, MaxDB, and XML-RPC. We added LDAP and HTTP authentication, a new mail subsystem, and a list of the most popular searches. We added jQuery 1.3 as the new Ajax backend and updated FPDF and TinyMCE. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!
The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.0.12, the "too much snow in February" release. This release fixes a bug when using MySQL 6 and an annoying installation bug on some Linux systems. It also fixes a lot of minor issues.
The phpMyFAQ team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.0.11, the "Goodbye George!" release. This release updates the English, Turkish, and Simplified Chinese translations. It also fixes a lot of minor issues.
The phpMyFAQ Team wishes everyone a happy new year 2009!