News archive

  • 2024

    Working hard on phpMyFAQ 4.0, getting all ready for PHP 8.4

  • 2023

    Finally, releasing phpMyFAQ 3.2, getting all ready for PHP 8.3, started working on phpMyFAQ 4.0

  • 2022

    Finally, releasing phpMyFAQ 3.1, getting all ready for PHP 8.2, working hard on phpMyFAQ 3.2

  • 2021

    Still struggling with the Corona pandemic, getting all ready for PHP 8.1, working hard on phpMyFAQ 3.1

  • 2020

    Finally releasing phpMyFAQ 3.0, struggling with the Corona pandemic, getting all ready for PHP 8.0 and working hard on phpMyFAQ 3.1

  • 2019

    Working hard on phpMyFAQ 3.0 and dropped support for PHP 5.

  • 2018

    Finally added PHP namespaces and Docker support for the upcoming phpMyFAQ 3.0 milestone

  • 2017

    Improving the 2.9 version and working hard on phpMyFAQ 3.0

  • 2016

    Celebrated 15 years of phpMyFAQ and released phpMyFAQ 2.9

  • 2015

    Working on 2.8 and 2.9, getting everything ready for PHP 7 and HHVM

  • 2014

    Improving the 2.8 version and working hard on phpMyFAQ 2.9

  • 2013

    Using PHP 5.3 and Bootstrap for phpMyFAQ 2.8

  • 2012

    Improving the 2.7 version and working on phpMyFAQ 2.8

  • 2011

    Celebrated 10 years of phpMyFAQ, worked on better usability and HTML5 support with phpMyFAQ 2.7

  • 2010

    Everything's UTF-8 encoded now with phpMyFAQ 2.6

  • 2009

    Using PHP 5.2 with phpMyFAQ 2.5

  • 2008

    Improving the 2.0 version and working on phpMyFAQ 2.5

  • 2007

    Better user management and permissions with phpMyFAQ 2.0

  • 2006

    Revisions and better spam protection with phpMyFAQ 1.6

  • 2005

    Support for PHP 5, PostgreSQL, MS SQL and SEO optimized URLs with 1.5

  • 2004

    Now with a WYSIWYG editor and XHTML support with phpMyFAQ 1.4

  • 2003

    Adding simple multi-language and PDF support in phpMyFAQ 1.3

  • 2002

    New features and PHP 4 support with phpMyFAQ 1.1 and going open source with phpMyFAQ 1.2

  • 2001

    The PHP3 beginnings with phpMyFAQ 0.x and the final 1.0 release