phpMyFAQ news from 2015


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce the first beta version of the next major version of phpMyFAQ, phpMyFAQ 2.9.0-beta, the "Scott Weiland" release. This release is ready for PHP 7 and we added anew file upload and file manager, the possibility to disable smart answering and a new FAQ overview page. We updated the bundled Font Awesome to version 4.4, TinyMCE to version 4.2.7 and HighlightJS to version 8.9.1. The whole PHP code base is now PSR-1 and PSR-2 compatible. We also fixed a lot of issues reported by our great alpha testers. Please note that you shouldn't use this version in production systems, but test this version and please report bugs!


The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.8.25, the "Helmut Schmidt" release. This release adds an American English translation and we updated the bundled Symfony ClassLoader to version 2.6.11, the Japanese translation, the Brazilian Portuguese translation, the Italian translation and the Dutch translation. We also fixed some minor bugs.


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce the forth preview version of the next major version of phpMyFAQ, phpMyFAQ 2.9.0-alpha4, the "Adrian Frutiger" release. This release extends our REST/JSON API and introduces a new configuration user interface. We also fixed a lot of issues reported by our great alpha testers. We dropped the support for old IIS web servers and for lighttpd. Please note that some functionality is still missing and don't use this version in production systems, but test this version and please report bugs!


The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the third preview version of the next major version of phpMyFAQ, phpMyFAQ 2.9.0-alpha3, the "Egon Bahr" release. This release changes the supported PHP versions to 5.5 or later. We also added support for Markdown, LDAP dynamic user binding and the possibilities to allow anonymous downloads, to override user passwords by admin and to reset votings and visits. We added support for custom headers and footers in PDF exports, for language specific open questions and moderator groups to categories. We also extended our REST/JSON API for future iOS App releases. We upgraded the bundled libraries and we dropped support for the Zeus Webserver. Please note that some functionality is still missing and don't use this version in production systems, but test this version and please report bugs!


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.8.24, the "Satoru Iwata" release. We updated the Farsi translation and fixed some bugs.


The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.8.23, the "Christopher Lee" release. This release updates the bundled Symfony Classloader and fixes a lot of issues.


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce the phpMyFAQ App for iOS! Rolf Warnecke created this free app the last months together with some help from Thorsten. The App requires iOS 7.1 or later and for sure, a phpMyFAQ installation.


The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.8.22, the "Helmut Dietl" release. This release updates the Czech and the Brazilian Portuguese translations and fixes some minor issues.


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce phpMyFAQ 2.8.21, the "Leonard Nimoy" release. It adds experimental rewrite rules for IIS7 and IIS8 and includes improved usability in admin backend and HTML5 support in editor. We also improved the PHP code coverage and updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation. As always, we fixed some minor bugs reported by our awesome users.


The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of phpMyFAQ 2.8.20, the "Richard von Weizsäcker" release. This release adds experimental support for the upcoming PHP 7 and for HHVM 3.4.2+, updates the Brazilian Portuguese and French translation and fixes some minor issues.


The phpMyFAQ Team is pleased to announce the second preview version of the next major version of phpMyFAQ, phpMyFAQ 2.9.0-alpha2, the "Je suis Charlie" release. This release adds experimental support for the upcoming PHP 7 and for HHVM 3.4.2+. We added the possibility for inactive, hidden categories, to disable registration and we added a tag management frontend. We added a control for meta robots handling, a configuration for auto-activation of new users and finally support for SMTP. We upgraded the bundled libraries to Symfony ClassLoader 2.6.3, jQuery 1.11.2, Bootstrap 3.3.2, FontAwesome 4.3.0, Modernizr 2.8.3, TinyMCE 4.1.7 and SwiftMailer 5.3.1. Please note that some functionality is still missing and don't use this version in production systems, but test this version and please report bugs!


Today we relaunched our website. In the last couple of weeks we decoupled our almost 14 year old website into variuous side projects to improve the maintainability of our infrastructure. The new page is completely revamped from the ground and was developed with the "mobile first" paradigm in mind. The new page is built using Yeoman, Grunt, Bower, Assemble and Handlebars, more and more content is just stored just as plain Markdown files. It's a static site which will be "assembled" during deployment. We also improved our URL structure. We hope, you like it. If you want to check the code, it's open source, grab it at Github, if you found a bug, please report it at at Github as well.

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